
Sunday, January 1, 2017

BacII Exam Result for all Provinces and Cities 2015

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Here are the result of BacII exam 2015. Click on the following links to download:

  1. Kompong Chhnang (Download Result)
  2. Pailin (Download Result)
  3. Kompong Thom (Download Result)
  4. Kompong Cham (Download Result)
  5. Prey Veng (Download Result)
  6. Svay Rieng (Download Result)
  7. Preah Vihear (Download Result)
  8. Ratanakiri (Download Result)
  9. Pursat (Download Result)
  10. Kratie (Download Result)
  11. Siem Reap (Download Result)
  12. Battambang (Download Result)
  13. Odormeanchey (Download Result)
  14. Mondulkiri (Download Result)
  15. Kompong Speu (Download Result)
  16. Preah Sihanuk (Download Result)
  17. Kep (Download Result)
  18. Stoeung Trieng (Download Result)
  19. Bonteay Meanchey (Download Result)
  20. Koh Kong (Download Result)
  21. Kampot (Download Result)
  22. Takeo (Download Result)
  23. Tbong Khmum (Download Result)
  24. Kandal (Download Result)
  25. Phnom Penh (Download Result)

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